Huntington Township Housing Coalition

Survey Shows Long Islanders are More Accepting of Multi-Family Housing

Newsday reported on December 17th, 2015 that a just-released study by the Long Island Index found that Long Islanders are growing more accepting of multi-family hosing options, instead of the traditional single family home that has dominated our landscape.  “Nearly 30 percent of Island respondents would like to live in an apartment, condominium or town house within five years – double the number who live in such housng types now.”  In addition, the survey found that 60percent of Long islanders (compare with 49 percent of Northern New York and Connecticut suburbs) said that “the lack of affordable hosing is a very or extremely serious problem in their area.”  This shift in public opinion is significant. Our elected officials who are wed to single-family ownership homes and who oppose multi-family housing need to catch up with their constituents. Here is the link to the Newsday story: