The Huntington Township Housing Coalition’s (HTHC) new 28-page report Huntington Housing Horizons 2030 received favorable coverage in Long Island Business News (LIBN) in an article written by David Winzelberg.
Winzelberg says:
“A new report presented by the Huntington Township Housing Coalition to Huntington’s town board Monday cites the critical need for affordable housing and outlines several steps the town should take to address the issue.
The 28-page report, titled “Huntington Housing Horizons 2030: Documenting the need for affordable housing in Huntington,” claims the town has under-achieved its 2008 recommendation of adding nearly 2,800 units of affordable housing, as less than 18 percent of that number has been built in the last 12 years.
Proposed actions to boost the supply of affordable housing include making accessory apartments easier to create; enacting the Melville Employment Center plan to allow for more mixed-use buildings that can create more affordable apartments; and end exemptions of a 2017 law that requires all new developments have a 20-percent affordable component.”
It should be noted that while the caption on the picture of Creekside by the Harbor correctly reports the rent of the market rate apartments, the complex also contains several affordable units which are awarded by lottery by the town’s CDA. We thank LIBN and Mr. Winzelberg for the coverage.
Read the entire article at