Huntington Township Housing Coalition

Affordable Housing Summit November 17th, 2018

The Huntington Township Housing Coalition, in conjunction with the Huntington Chamber of Commerce, the League of Women Voters of Huntington, Leadership Huntington, Housing Help, the Huntington Public Library, the half Hollow Hills Public Library, and Latinos Unidos, is holding a summit on on affordable housing called “Community Conversation on Housing for All-Huntington Township”.  With opening remarks by Supervisor Chad Lupinacci, the event will have breakout sessions that cover how to afford your home, new legislation proposed for accessory apartments, the different types of housing that are currently in demand, and the impacts that housing choices have on the environment, traffic, and the character of the town.  The event will be held November 17th from 8:00 AM to Noon at the Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington

Registration is free, but we ask that if you plan to attend you register so we can plan which sessions end up in which theaters.  Registration can be done at  A flyer detailing the event can be found here:
