Huntington Township Housing Coalition

Newsday Editorial: Finally, we’re on the move

It’s a little shocking but impossible to deny: Long Island finally is shaking off its “Land of No” shackles and making the kind of development progress that once was inconceivable.   Download the article here!

Huntington Comprehensive Plan’s Call for More Rental Housing Failed to Significantly Impact Huntington’s Affordable Housing Stock

Read the following report by the Huntington Township Housing Coalition on the 2015 Community Development Block Grant Application and Five Year Consolidated Plan Download the report here!

Letter to Town of Huntington Board regarding proposed housing resolution.

The following letter was sent to the Town of Huntington’s Board members regarding HTHC’s position on the proposed resolution to require permitting and inspection of non-owner occupied rental housing.   Downlaod letter here!

Affordable Rental Housing Talking Points

Click on the link to view the Affordable Rental Housing Talking Points, issued by the Huntington Township Housing Coalition. Download the talking points here!

Affordable Rental Housing Campaign

The Huntington Township Housing Coalition has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the need for affordable rental housing in Huntington. Click on the link to read the affordable rental housing fact sheet. Learn more!

Young adult survey: Long Island needs more housing options, jobs to keep us here

Interesting Newsday article by Olivia Winslow, talks about the Millennials and the quality of life on Long Island; citing as obstacles, “the lack of housing options and high housing costs.” Download young adult survey

Newsday Editorial, June 1, 2014

Download Newsday Editorial here!Loaded language for suburban wars. A recent editorial by Michael Dobie, provides a glossary of housing “buzzwords”.