Huntington Township Housing Coalition

Housing Coalition Supports Accessory Apartment Law

The following comments were submitted today to Huntington Town Hall: May 20,2019 Dear Supervisor Lupinacci and Members of the Town Board, The Huntington Township Housing Coalition strongly supports the proposed changes to the accessory dwelling unit law outlined in Resolution 2019-243. Accessory dwelling units (ADU’s) are the market-based solution that are the fastest, cheapest, least… Continue reading Housing Coalition Supports Accessory Apartment Law

Affordable Housing Summit November 17th, 2018

The Huntington Township Housing Coalition, in conjunction with the Huntington Chamber of Commerce, the League of Women Voters of Huntington, Leadership Huntington, Housing Help, the Huntington Public Library, the half Hollow Hills Public Library, and Latinos Unidos, is holding a summit on on affordable housing called “Community Conversation on Housing for All-Huntington Township”.  With opening… Continue reading Affordable Housing Summit November 17th, 2018

New report highlights how lack of affordable housing leads to homelessness

This report draws from two-and-a half years of study by the Welfare-to-Work Commission’s Supportive Housing Work Group.  It assesses the critical shortage of housing for Suffolk’s most vulnerable residents at risk of becoming homeless: working-poor people earning under 50 percent of the Area Median Income ($55,400 for a family of four) and, more pointedly, people… Continue reading New report highlights how lack of affordable housing leads to homelessness

HTHC Report Updates Inventory Affordable Housing: Still not Enough

The Huntington Township Housing Coalition today released its 2018   Housing report 2018, an update of its 2016 report on housing built and proposed in the town of Huntington, NY, since the publication of the Town’s Horizons 2020 master plan. The report notes that only 27% of the affordable housing indicated in the plan has been proposed… Continue reading HTHC Report Updates Inventory Affordable Housing: Still not Enough

“The 2018 Federal Budget Proposals: A Fiscal and Human Rights Crisis for Suffolk?”

Welfare to Work Commission 2017 Report The new Welfare to Work commission report has an important section on housing, describing the dire consequences of the new proposed HUD budget, which could eliminate 145,000 Section 8 vouchers​.

Listen to Candidates speak on affordable housing

The Huntington Township Housing Coalition announced today that it has launched a YouTube channel.  The channel will contain short videos of the Town of Huntington candidates for Supervisor and Town Council.  It can be accessed by going to YouTube and searching for Huntington Township Housing Coalition, or by going here: We encourage you to… Continue reading Listen to Candidates speak on affordable housing

HTHC Report Inventories Affordable Housing in Huntington Finding Progress and Shortfalls

Following our very successful November 19th rental housing summit, attended by over 100 community leaders, housing experts and government officials, the Huntington Township Housing Coalition has released a report inventorying the development of affordable housing since the Town’s master plan, Horizons 2020, was adopted in 20o8. While the master plan described the choices for rental… Continue reading HTHC Report Inventories Affordable Housing in Huntington Finding Progress and Shortfalls

November 19th Housing Summit Program

Here is the full program, with all speakers finalized, for the important November 19th summit: “Keeping Our Young People in Huntington: The Need for Affordable Rental Housing and Downtown Revitalization.”  The summit will be held at the Cinema Arts Centre on Park Avenue in Huntington from 8:30 AM to 12 Noon. If you would like… Continue reading November 19th Housing Summit Program

Registration Now Open for 2016 Housing Summit

Registration is now open for the November 19, 2016 housing summit: Keeping Our Young People in Huntington The Need for Affordable Rental Housing and Downtown Revitalization Registration and attendance are free,but it will help us to plan if you could please register in advance. Register now

HTHC to have Housing Summit November 19th

The Huntington Township Housing Coalition, in association with the League of Women Voters of Huntington, is sponsoring a housing summit on November 19th at the Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington.  Titled “Keeping Our Young People in Huntington…The Need for Affordable Rental Housing and Downtown Revitalization”, the summit will have speakers including town officials, businesses, and… Continue reading HTHC to have Housing Summit November 19th