Huntington Township Housing Coalition

Melville Plan Offers Affordable Housing Opportunities

At the  June 23rd Huntington Housing Coalition General Membership meeting, we announced an opportunity for affordable housing that shows great promise.  Responding to the Huntington 2020 Master Plan’s call for development of an integrated land-use plan for the  Melville Corridor, the Town hired a  company that, with community input, developed a Melville Employment Center plan… Continue reading Melville Plan Offers Affordable Housing Opportunities

Home Buyer Grants for First-time Home Buyers!

Attention all prospective First Time Home Buyers! Suffolk County will be announcing their First Time Home Buyer grant program in early September.  You could be eligible for a $14,000 grant towards a down payment on your first home. Housing Help Inc. is authorized by Suffolk to provide the required Pre-Purchase education in order to qualify… Continue reading Home Buyer Grants for First-time Home Buyers!

Coalition Supports Renaissance Housing But Calls for More Affordable Rentals Throughout Huntngton

The Huntington Township Housing Coalition has consistently supported the Renaissance Downtowns economic revitalization goals for Huntington Station.  We have consistently argued that attainable rental housing for young people and seniors should be a part of this economic revitalization.  At the same time, we believe that affordable rental housing, for young people, seniors and especially families,… Continue reading Coalition Supports Renaissance Housing But Calls for More Affordable Rentals Throughout Huntngton

“The Eviction Economy”

Harvard sociologist Matthew Desmond has published a new study, “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City,” that is being hailed as a seminal work on how the lack of affordable housing is ruing the lives of low-income Americans.  On February 12th, 2106, The New York Times reviewer wrote: “After ‘Evicted,’ it will no longer… Continue reading “The Eviction Economy”

General Membership Meeting Monday, March 28th, 12 Noon-2:00 PM. Two presentations: LIPC “Power Up” and “Rubuild America-LI”

Survey Shows Long Islanders are More Accepting of Multi-Family Housing

Newsday reported on December 17th, 2015 that a just-released study by the Long Island Index found that Long Islanders are growing more accepting of multi-family hosing options, instead of the traditional single family home that has dominated our landscape.  “Nearly 30 percent of Island respondents would like to live in an apartment, condominium or town… Continue reading Survey Shows Long Islanders are More Accepting of Multi-Family Housing

Regional Plan Association Profile of LI Housing

The Regional Plan Association in conjunction with the LI Community Foundation has produced a hosing profile for each town and village on Long Island.  This report is can be found at the website of  the newly-formed Long Island Attainable Housing Task Force  of St. Joseph’s College.  HTHC has a seat on this task force.  You… Continue reading Regional Plan Association Profile of LI Housing

HTHC Meets with Young Professionals on Housing Needs

There is an urgent need for affordable housing – particularly rental housing – for young people in Huntington. This fall, a dozen members of the Young Professionals of the Huntington and Melville Chambers of Commerce participated in an extraordinary conversation about this housing shortage with leaders of the Huntington Township Housing Coalition. The Young Professionals… Continue reading HTHC Meets with Young Professionals on Housing Needs

Board Adopts New Two-Family Restrictions, But Raises Concerns

On Tuesday, October 6th, over our Coalition’s objections, the Town Board adopted arbitrary and vague  restrictions on two-family homes that will require applicants wishing to either convert a one-family to a two-family or construct a new two-family home.  Among these restrictions, which far exceed those required of applicants who want to create an accessory apartment… Continue reading Board Adopts New Two-Family Restrictions, But Raises Concerns

HTHC Opposes Restrictions on Two-Family Homes

Wednesday, September 16th, HTHC Steering Committee member Roger Weaving spoke at a Huntington Town Board public hearing in opposition to Resolution 2015-392 that would place even more onerous restrictions on the conversion to or creation of two-family homes in R5 districts. Two-family homes, while rare in Huntington, are yet another housing mode which can add… Continue reading HTHC Opposes Restrictions on Two-Family Homes