Huntington Township Housing Coalition

General Membership Annual Meeting Wednesday November 11, 12:00 Noon, Dolan Center

Sign ERASE Racism’s Petition Calling for Housing Integration

A September 6th, 2015 New York Times editorial titled, “The Architecture of Segregation,” observed that, almost 50 years after the federal Fair Housing Act was enacted, “minorities find themselves trapped in high poverty neighborhoods without decent housing, schools or jobs, and with few avenues of escape”  because, in part, “federally subsidized housing for low-income citizens… Continue reading Sign ERASE Racism’s Petition Calling for Housing Integration

HTHC to Host Young Professionals Discussing Rental Housing Shortage

The Huntington Township hosing Coalition will host a meet and greet for the Huntington and Melville Chambers of Commerce “Young Professionals” on Tuesday, September 29th, 7:00-9:00 PM at Quetzalcoatl Restaurant, 296 Main Street.  The event is titled: “Huntington’s Rental Housing Shortage: Your Experiences … Possible Solutions.”  The program will engage young professionals in a conversation… Continue reading HTHC to Host Young Professionals Discussing Rental Housing Shortage

HBO Series, “Show Me a Hero,” Connected to Huntington

The widely acclaimed six hour HBO series that began Sunday, August 16th to run for three consecutive Sundays at 8PM, documents the ferocious political and legal battle in the late 1980s over a court order requiring the City of Yonkers to disperse low income and affordable housing from the segregated African American section of town… Continue reading HBO Series, “Show Me a Hero,” Connected to Huntington

NYS Wage Board Supports $15 Minimum Wage for Fast-Food Workers

Last month, the HTHC Steering Committee agreed to provide testimony to the NYS Wage Board in support of $15 an hour minimum wage for fast-food workers. We fully understand that even $15 an hour is not enough to pay for the typical one bedroom ($1300+) or two-bedroom ($1700+) rental  in Huntington, but still much better… Continue reading NYS Wage Board Supports $15 Minimum Wage for Fast-Food Workers

New York Times Praised New HUD Fair Housing Regulations

On July 12th, The New York Times editorialized that the new HUD regulations are a major step toward closing loopholes used by local municipalities to avoid compliance with the federal Fair Housing Act.  We are hopeful that progress can finally be made toward creating ore racially, ethnically and income diverse communities in Huntington.  Many studies… Continue reading New York Times Praised New HUD Fair Housing Regulations

HUD Creates Tougher Rules to Require Fair Housing

The US Department of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD) announced on July 8th  that it is establishing tighter reporting regulations which will mandate that local governments  overcome barriers to integrated, diverse  and affordable housing. The new regulations will require more detailed information on how the local government is addressing impediments to fair housing, as well… Continue reading HUD Creates Tougher Rules to Require Fair Housing

Retiring Melville Chamber President Bids Sad Farewell to LI

Mike DeLouise, long-time President of the Melville Chamber of Commerce and a frequent partner with Huntington Township Housing Coalition, bid a hauntingly beautiful farewell to LI in a June edition of the Long Island Business News.  Mike is retiring off the Island.  His farewell, however, contains an urgent warning that if LI does not provide… Continue reading Retiring Melville Chamber President Bids Sad Farewell to LI

HTHC Testified for $15 an Hour Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers

On June 18th, Joan Penrose Borum spoke for HTHC at the Long Island  hearing of the NYS Fast Food Workers’ Wage Board, supporting Governor Cuomo’s recommendation that fast food workers receive a $15 an hour minimum wage increase. Her testimony pointed out that at the current minimum wage of $8.75 an hour, fast food workers… Continue reading HTHC Testified for $15 an Hour Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers

“Zombie Homes” Consortium Makes Progress

At its third meeting, the “Zombie Homes” consortium created by the Town Board just two months ago is closing in on a possible purchase of an abandoned and foreclosed home that can be rehabbed into an affordable home for first-time homebuyers. .  HTHC serves on this consortium, along with Councilwomen Tracey Edwards and Susan Berland,… Continue reading “Zombie Homes” Consortium Makes Progress