Huntington Township Housing Coalition

HTHC Testified for $15 an Hour Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers

On June 18th, Joan Penrose Borum spoke for HTHC at the Long Island  hearing of the NYS Fast Food Workers’ Wage Board, supporting Governor Cuomo’s recommendation that fast food workers receive a $15 an hour minimum wage increase. Her testimony pointed out that at the current minimum wage of $8.75 an hour, fast food workers cannot find affordable rental housing.  Since most are adults with family obligations, these workers need to earn enough to pay their rent.  Even at $15 an hour, this is  a struggle.  The Coalition hopes that the Wage Board will rule favorably on this proposal at the end of July and that their decision will prompt an across-the-board minimum wage crease when the NYS Legislature reconvenes in January, 2016. Read our testimony: HTHC Wage Board testimonyHTHC Wage Board testimony

“Zombie Homes” Consortium Makes Progress

At its third meeting, the “Zombie Homes” consortium created by the Town Board just two months ago is closing in on a possible purchase of an abandoned and foreclosed home that can be rehabbed into an affordable home for first-time homebuyers. .  HTHC serves on this consortium, along with Councilwomen Tracey Edwards and Susan Berland, representatives of the LI Housing Partnership, the Community Development Corporation of LI, the Huntington Community Development Corporation, Housing Help and others.  The LI Housing Partnership is taking the lead in this project.  We hope this will be a prototype for other abandoned/foreclosed homes in Huntington becoming rehabilitated, affordable homes. For more information go to this website

HTHC Letter to Town Board

HTHC writes letter to town board to support Councilwoman Tracey Edwards resolution to examine and provide recommendations to advance rehabilitation of deteriorated homes in the Town of Huntington. Download letter here!

Newsday Letter to the Editor from Roger Weaving

The following letter was sent from Roger Weaving, HTHC steering committee member to Newsday in response to the letter that claimed there is no hard data suggesting that young people are leaving Long Island due to the lack of affordable housing. Download the article here.

Newsday Letters: Housing Options for Long Island

Response to Newsday’s January 2, 2015 editorial “Finally we’re on the move” Downlaod the article here!

Newsday Editorial: Long Island’s tight apartment market luring national developers

Download the article here.

Affordable Housing Shortfall An Economic Hurdle

Long Islander Affordable Housing Shortfall an Economic Hurdle The Huntington Township Housing Coalition….says that a failure to address an ongoing gap in housing is putting a drag on the region’s economy. Download the article here.

Newsday Editorial: Finally, we’re on the move

It’s a little shocking but impossible to deny: Long Island finally is shaking off its “Land of No” shackles and making the kind of development progress that once was inconceivable.   Download the article here!

Huntington Comprehensive Plan’s Call for More Rental Housing Failed to Significantly Impact Huntington’s Affordable Housing Stock

Read the following report by the Huntington Township Housing Coalition on the 2015 Community Development Block Grant Application and Five Year Consolidated Plan Download the report here!

Letter to Town of Huntington Board regarding proposed housing resolution.

The following letter was sent to the Town of Huntington’s Board members regarding HTHC’s position on the proposed resolution to require permitting and inspection of non-owner occupied rental housing.   Downlaod letter here!