Huntington Township Housing Coalition

HTHC Testified for $15 an Hour Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers

On June 18th, Joan Penrose Borum spoke for HTHC at the Long Island  hearing of the NYS Fast Food Workers’ Wage Board, supporting Governor Cuomo’s recommendation that fast food workers receive a $15 an hour minimum wage increase. Her testimony pointed out that at the current minimum wage of $8.75 an hour, fast food workers cannot find affordable rental housing.  Since most are adults with family obligations, these workers need to earn enough to pay their rent.  Even at $15 an hour, this is  a struggle.  The Coalition hopes that the Wage Board will rule favorably on this proposal at the end of July and that their decision will prompt an across-the-board minimum wage crease when the NYS Legislature reconvenes in January, 2016. Read our testimony: HTHC Wage Board testimonyHTHC Wage Board testimony